What are you naturally good at?

How can you do it more often, and better?

I aim to help people connect with their instincts, define their own ideals, and find practical ways to actualise them.

Whatever skill, knowledge, profession or hobby it is, something deeper feeds such manifestations: your natural ways of thinking, feeling and behaving; your talents.


Evidence of your talents at play can likely be found in activities that you are naturally drawn to, or that energise you; when you feel in the flow; when you excel, perhaps effortlessly; or when you can’t wait to do something again. These moments indicate your natural ways of being.


How can you be your natural self more freely?

How can you make the most of your talents?

Based on decades of research, CliftonStrengths™

is an assessment designed to identify and verbalise your unique talents. The aim of a coach is to help you actively, deliberately make more use of them in your work and daily life.


No one person can be good at everything. But every person is good at something.

By applying energy to your talents, you can grow as an individual towards those things that matter to you in life. This will enhance the organisations you are part of, the quality of your interactions with others, and increase both your impact and your fulfilment.


"Purposefully in your own life, in your daily dialogues with others, in your relationships through your groups or clubs, reinforce as well as you can the strength and abilities of others. That reinforcement will add to the personal power of all other individuals with whom those people come in contact." - Seth

My intention with coaching is to strengthen your natural talents through awareness, encouragement and development. No one sees life as you do. Give yourself the opportunity to make the most of it, and grow into your strengths.